Creating a Roster
/roster create [clan] [name] [...options]
Roster options
Category - Choose between CWL, WAR, ESPORTS and TROPHIES. CWL shows league as well. TROPHY shows the amount of trophies in the roster.
import_members - Whether to import members from the clan (default: False)
allow_unlinked - Whether to allow unlinked members (default: False)
max_members - Roster size (default: 65)
max_accounts_per_user - How many accounts per user should be allowed (default: unlimited)
min_town_hall - Minimum Town Hall level needed to sign up (default: TH 2)
max_town_hall - Maximum Town Hall level (default: TH 16)
min_hero_level - Minimum combined Hero level need to sign up (default: 0)
roster_role - The role the players get when they sign up
sort_by - Sort by Player Name, Discord Name, Discord Username, Town Hall Level, Hero Levels, TH + Hero Levels, Clan Name, Signup Time, Trophies (default: SIGNUP_TIME)
start_time - The start time of sign-up. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm (24 Hours) (default: N/A)
end_time - The end time of sign-up. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm (24 Hours) (default: N/A)
timezone - Search timezone by city or country (e.g. London, Singapore, Germany, Stuttgart) (default: UTC)
allow_group_selection - Whether to allow members to select a Public group (default: True)
allow_multi_signup - Whether to allow a user to sign up for multiple rosters in the same category (default: True)
use_clan_alias - Whether to use clan alias in the roster (created by /alias command) (default: False)
color_code - Hex color code of the roster embed
When setting a Timezone ClashPerk will remember that Timezone for you! (It links the Timezone to your account)
Editing a Roster
/roster edit[roster] [...options]
clan - change which clan it is connected to
name - change the name of the roster
delete_role - delete the roster using True
... see the options at /roster create
Deleting a Roster
/roster delete[roster]
Completely deletes the roster.
Cloning a Roster
/roster clone roster:Roster
Clones the Roster settings to a new Roster without importing the Members from the Source Roster.
Last updated