Getting set up

Let's setup the bot!

The following command allows you to quickly add your clan to the server which enables the bot to track the clan.

/setup enable option: Server Link tag: #CLAN_TAG

Set a default clan for a channel

Create a Clan Embed

Clan Embed

Clan embed is for showcasing your clans in a public channel.

/setup enable option: Clan Embed tag: #CLAN_TAG


Initiate Setup

If you don't select a channel it defaults to the current channel

/setup enable action: Logs / Feed (New) clan: #CLAN_TAG channel: #channel

Clan Logs:

  • Member Join/Leave Log

  • Role Change Log

  • Donation Log (Instant/Daily/Weekly/Monthly)

  • Clan Games Embed Log

  • Last Seen Embed Log

  • Legend Attacks Daily Summary Log

Capital Logs:

  • Clan Capital Weekly Summary Log

War Logs:

  • War Embed Log

  • War Missed Attacks Log

  • CWL Embed Log

  • CWL Missed Attacks Log

  • CWL Lineup Change Log

  • CWL Monthly Summary Log

Player Logs:

  • Name Change Log

  • Town Hall Upgrade Log

  • War Preference Log

You can find more Infos here Logs

Disable a Log

/setup disable action: Logs / Feed (New) clan: #CLAN_TAG

Last updated