Exporting Rosters
a detailed explanation how to export rosters to speadsheets.
/export rosters category: WAR or CWL
Category is optional!
Exports the Rosters to a Google Spreadsheet, allows you to view this on the Web and allows you to download it.
It generates a Google Spreadsheet for each Roster with 2 sheets, "All members" and "Missing Members"
Roster Sheet
With the following Columns:
Player Name
Player Tag
In Clan? - If the Player is currently on the Roster Clan
Current Clan - Where the Player currently is
Current ClanTag - The Clan Tag of the Current Clan
Discord - The Discord User Name
War Preference - In or Out of War
Group - The selected Group in the Roster
Town Hall
Combined Heroes - The combined Hero Levels
All Members Sheet
The same Columns and a Roster Column show all signed-up Players.
Missing Members Sheet
Shows all Players in the Roster Clans that aren't in any of the Rosters with the following columns
Player Name
Player Tag
Town Hall
Clan Tag
Last updated
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